Alket Rexhepi
Mid twenties from Pristina, Kosovo. Contact me for my resume.
- Web Developer - Mostly PHP, Laravel, Slim & Python - 6+ years of professional experience in 2 different companies & 1 university
- Linux Sysadmin - 5+ years of professional experience
- Game Developer - GodotEngine - 3+ years of hobbyist experience
Community & Other involvements
- Co-Founder & Developer of Pishpirik, a game with 200k monthly players in 2012-2014
- Contributor of Godot Game Engine since 2015
- Co-founder and part of KOBUGE Games since 2015
- OSCAL speaker in 2015 and 2016
- Part of FLOSSK since 2009
- Part of UbuntuForums since 2007
- Contributor of MegaGlest since 2013
- Many more...